We are a servant ministry with a commitment to support the ministry and mission of rural churches, although we sometimes work in other contexts.

We are independent and work effectively with various Christian traditions. Staff members remain accountable to their respective churches for the work done through this organisation. As an organisation we also hold ourselves accountable in various ways to the wider Church and to statutory authorities.

We are committed to respecting the tradition, beliefs and values of any church with which we are invited to work.

We support the statement “The God of mission has a Church” and encouraging churches to discover their own unique role within God’s purposes is at the heart of all we do. The premise that every Christian is called by God and equipped by God for a particular ministry leads to the conclusion that each local church has a unique role to play in mission.

Our starting point in working with any church, is to listen carefully to what we are told and to seek to discern what God is already doing within the life of the church.  Mission strategies need to be contextually appropriate with regard to the setting of each church, and in accordance with the resources God has already provided and, as far as is possible to discern and be responsive to God’s presence and work within each church.

We never impose any programme. Instead we use processes that gently lead churches to discover appropriate mission strategies that are tailored to both fit comfortably and suit each church.

We believe that good mission strategies should also demonstrate theological reflection and resonate with the person of Jesus Christ as he is revealed through scripture. If the Carpenter of Nazareth would seem strangely out of place with anything we do then we would be doing something alien to God.

We believe that the local church is God's agent for mission, both sign and servant of the kingdom.


What we believe

We are essentially orthodox in our beliefs, Trinitarian, and recognising that salvation is entirely a consequence of God’s grace. Rural Missions seeks to be guided by the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures.